Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

Flat Stomach Rules - How To Get The Flat Belly You Deserve!

Here are two rules to get the flat stomach flat stomach you deserve, that are natural and do not require pills or other dangerous or costly solutions. These techniques have been used by Asian women for years , and I can see how they work from my own experience !

Flat belly rules - get a flat stomach

A . Raw food is one of the best ways to reduce belly fat quickly is one of the main reasons why Asian women tend to have slim size without killing work .

Some of the best raw food I found to have a significant effect in reducing belly fat is centered around fruits and vegetables low in calories rich in fiber

- Lawyer

- cabbage

- Carrots

- Cauliflower

- Pera

- Tomato

- Berro

In my experience of each of these foods tends to attack fat deposits around the stomach , and fairly quickly. Add to your diet in any way possible , provided it is RAW . This is the secret that, generally, Asian women applied, the foods you eat list is to be believed .

It works because the body must work harder to break down and digest raw foods , and making dozens of muscles around the stomach works ... without you doing a sit-up . This process also burns calories through increased effort , resulting in a diet to burn fat more efficiently!

The advantage of raw food , especially raw foods mentioned above can go a great way to get the body you deserve. Try it!

Two . I used a nice drink recipe when you want to get a flat stomach that I learned years ago from my Chinese grandmother (and probably learned from her grandmother haha !)

Put about eight cups of water in a bowl with :

- 1 x teaspoon of grated ginger

- 1 cucumber, peeled and minced x

- 1 x lemon , thinly sliced

- Spearmint Leaves 10 x

Mix all ingredients and let stand in refrigerator overnight. Eat anything during the day.

It's unbelievable, I know, but Asian women are scarce for many reasons , and this is one of them. Do and see if it works for you.

A third way to get that flat stomach without starving or killing yourself at the gym in other Asian secret women have done for years, but few people know .

Download and read my latest FREE eBook to quickly learn a simple technique to stay slim and get a flat stomach fast.

Weight Watchers Point Plan & Calculator - The Pros & Cons of the Weight Watchers Point System

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Weight Watchers Points program is a commercial success ,weight watcher calculator however, with this type of tool for weight loss , it is important that participants have a good idea of ​​the program and how it works . This article gives a brief overview of the extent of the pros and cons of the Weight Watchers points system , which allows anyone to get a glimpse of how the program and the benefits that can be arranged weight watcher calculator. I hope this will help you make the decision of whether or not the Weight Watchers points system is for you.

Weight Watchers Point System

The advantages :

- Weight Watchers programs for balancing a diet with advice and exercise are the keys to healthy weight loss and healthy living weight watcher calculator.

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- Programs nutritional values ​​never stops feeling hungry or lethargic diet,weight watcher calculator the metabolism rate of the body remains and prevents the creation of reserves of fat in the body (hunger leads to fat deposits ) .

- A very nutritious diet program with recipes and meals for members who are directly related to the system of Weight Watchers points are provided weight watcher calculator. Diet are able to keep itself these elements.

- One of the few major programs to provide support face to face.

- It is also a flexible program that can be done online through the help forums for meetings,weight watcher calculator or who do not attend meetings together and using all the tools of the program, such as Weight Watchers point calculator line .

- The program provides not only a diet program emphasizes solid plan,weight watcher calculator but also to avoid the pill pushing and techniques famine , and educates the dieter on potion control and the nutritional value of certain foods .

- The system of Weight Watchers points is the concern of the diet weight loss have a choice in your diet because they are not food " off limits " weight watcher calculator, and flexibility expire every day, no matter what type of planning the member .

- An incredible amount of positive testimonials and commercial success is also based on the results that successful marketing weight watcher calculator.

Weight Watchers Point System

The cons:weight watcher calculator !!!

- The system of Weight Watchers points is based largely on stuff to sell the product weight watcher calculator. Whether Weight Watchers Points , Weight Watchers and Weight Watchers Points Calculator point on the graph etc. These devices potential diet in order to make the process seem easy aggressive marketing weight watcher calculator.

- Advertising also convince overweight people that they can lose weight without sacrificing the foods they love . The truth however is that by the point system Weight Watchers Weight Watchers Points Calculator ,weight watcher calculator dieters are able to eat small portions of unhealthy food to fit in setpoints .

- Various studies ,weight watcher calculator on average, only 5% of the diet to maintain weight loss beyond five years after the program began , and in these cases usually been achieved through the term therapy can be expensive.

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- The use of therapy and attend meetings in the Weight Watchers program can potentially prevent the development of self -discipline and confidence weight watcher calculator.

- There were a number of witnesses who testified meetings within the Weight Watchers program as boring and expensive, and the competitive nature is encouraged.

- Dieters also reported obsessed with food in the program because of the establishment detailed update weight watcher calculator the management points within the point system of Weight Watchers .

In conclusion, it is clear that the Weight Watchers Points plans offer positive and negative aspects to the diet . Understanding these aspects as well as conducting an honest self-analysis of yourself is essential to determine whether the plan is for you . Most of the negative aspects of the system Weight Watchers Points can be mitigated through the use of aids such as Table Point Calculator Weight Watchers and Weight Watchers Point, etc. However, the conclusion by Dr. Stanley Heshka , author of study of the weight Watchers program in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is a must for people to consider the potential Follow diet weight :

" ... While Weight Watchers and similar programs may work for some people, it clearly does not work for everyone. Programs have the best chance of working if they feel naturally to the following persons ,weight watcher calculator if the weight loss is very difficult to maintain. works as long as you stick with it . "

Weight Watchers Restaurant Points And Why They Might Not Be Good For You

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If you are looking for Weight Watchers Points restaurant,weight watchers restaurant points you should be interested in learning how to make healthier choices when eating .

Everyone loves eating fast food ... and for good reason. The food is good, you do not have to cook or clean ,weight watchers restaurant points and you must be served .

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However ... it is very easy to make mistakes . Follow these tips and you are on your way to the great room weight watchers restaurant points.

If you go to a fast food chain like McDonalds , instead of ordering a Big Mac (which has a mass of 540 calories and 34 grams of fat ) weight watchers restaurant points, order a burger and a salad instead. It is just 200 calories and less filling .

weight watchers restaurant points Instead of McMurray , you can have a taste of the ice cream cone vanilla and still save 300 calories.

If you eat at Burger King , rather than double Whopper with cheese (which has a great 990 calories and 64 grams of fat ) , you should get ... nothing! Joking aside, you can opt for the Whopper JR. sandwich weight watchers restaurant points. Achieving this without mayonnaise will only cost you 290 calories and 12 grams of fat.

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Kentucky Fried Chicken has foods that are known to be high in fat and calories. Just three crispy strips are 400 calories and 24 grams of fat. You can easily get offers grilled chicken instead , which has only 250 calories and agoras of fat.

Dishes and look - you might be surprised . For example, potatoes and sauce has 130 calories and 4.5 grams of fat ,weight watchers restaurant points while the coleslaw has 190 calories and 11 grams of fat.

However ... if you are looking to cheat from time to time ... maybe Weight Watchers and Weight Watchers points restaurant is not the diet for you weight watchers restaurant points. You can look into calorie cycling , which allows low-calorie diet to eat for a few days, then have " cheat days " once or twice a week. People like this system because it does not have to be limited , and know that one day they can have a "free for all" is the horizon.

Calories bike seems against -intuitive for many people who subscribe to a low calorie diet , but most doctors and psychologists recommend warmly this way of eating .

Rachel lost 100 pounds herself, and is passionate about helping others do too. She appeared in the world of women , among others.

Eating Fat Makes You Fat - Right? Part One

Fat can make you fat ? Of course! So we should avoid all fats at all costs? Actually, no . There are some benefits of eating fat you should consider. If you are looking for permissions / excuses / reasons to eat fat , please read on .

Benefits of Fat

Yes, you read that right . There are some benefits to eating a little fat. For example, you need vitamins A, D , E and K. They are fat-soluble vitamins. Fat helps the body absorb these vitamins. Another advantage is that some fats help your heart . Fat also gives you energy . If you feel tired and lethargic , you may need a little fat. Fats provide energy in the form of calories. Now seems likely a draw . You want power but do not want the calories. Let's see if we can solve this problem. (Health Canada, 2012)

MUFA and PUFA Coma

I know , strange names. What you should remember is that MUFA and PUFA are unsaturated. Fats and polyunsaturated fatty acids specifically, MUFAs are monounsaturated fatty acids are polyunsaturated . MUFA and PUFA both reduce your risk of heart disease by improving your cholesterol level in the blood. Levels of insulin and blood sugar are helped by MUFA , which is particularly helpful for people with type 2 diabetes. PUFAs may help prevent type 2 diabetes .

A type of omega 3 PUFA is fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids can potentially help in 3 ways . They can lower blood pressure , which can protect your irregular heartbeat, and can decrease the likelihood of coronary artery disease.

Very good for fat!

Thus , the fats are good ?

Unfortunately not . There are two other types of fat that we have yet to discuss . They are saturated fats and trans fats .

Saturated fats increase the total cholesterol and LDL increases. LDL cholesterol is the type that does not want to be on the rise. It is the "bad" kind . The increase can make you more likely to have type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease . Both unpleasant. (Mayo Clinic, 2014)

What is even more disgusting , however, are the effects of trans fatty acids in your body. Trans fat is the changing trade unsaturated fats solid fats trans fluids. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA ) recently announced that it will be almost prohibited trans fats in foods. This should give you an idea of ​​how unhealthy it is when the government intervenes and prevents its use .

Therefore :

If you are in the United States Should not be too difficult to eliminate trans fats . Elsewhere, and you get to read nutrition labels to make sure you do not eat trans fat . Saturated fat is fat the other to keep in mind and stay away from as possible. MUFA and PUFA with that ? Even with its potential to help your body, MUFA and PUFA are harmful if you eat too many of them . I guess the old saying " Everything in moderation " is valid here .

Now that you know the four different types of fat and now know the pros and cons of each potential . Choose your fat carefully and enjoy its benefits !

references :

Health Canada. (2012 , April 17 ) . Fats : The good, the bad and the ugly. Retrieved from

Mayo Clinic staff . ( 11 February 2014 ) . Dietary fats : Know which types to choose from. Retrieved from

I help people to lose weight without diet or exercise program sweaty . If you are sick and tired of dieting and you hate exercise, then it is time to try a solution that really works. On the path of formation using the Transtheoretical Model of behavior change. I'll walk through a process step 5, which will help to do the right things in the right order so that you can lose weight and actually keep it off. It is to create long-term results that you will love !

Gastric Sleeve Diet: The Perfect Pair To The Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Surgery

When you decide to undergo bariatric surgery to limit the amount of food consumed as a way to lose weight, you must be prepared for anything that may come to the surgery. You should know that your diet will be changed after this surgery . To better guide you need to follow the gastric sleeve diet.

The goal of this surgery is gastric stomach shrink so that the amount of food you consumed reserved . Therefore, when you eat even a small amount of food, you will feel that you are already full . After surgery, this is when you will start with diet gastric sleeve.

The gastric sleeve diet is very specific and should never stop follow. First, you have to eat three meals a day and you have to eliminate snacks in your vocabulary. After surgery, you should eat small amounts of a portion of about 1-2 ounces or 2.4 tablespoons of food at each meal and it should be followed to 1 month.

Second, you need to focus on foods that are high in protein . This is another recommendation of the gastric sleeve diet you should follow . You must be very careful about eating and drinking. Note that you should not eat and drink together . Instead , what you need to do is drink water or juice one hour before or after meals.

In addition, the dietary intake of gastric sleeve suggests a multivitamin with minerals forever. Whenever possible, you chew your food well . You should allow approximately 30 minutes for each meal and it is important that you should focus on eating . In this way , you will be able to enjoy what you eat . To ensure that you will not overeat , you can use a spoon or fork to help control portions .

When fluid intake , diet gastric sleeve emphasizes that one should sip this drink and they should be free of calories, not gas or without caffeine . Skim milk and protein drinks are highly recommended and you can drink juice 4 ounces per day .

Shortly after the surgery, the patient was subjected to the will of a liquid diet and these could include clear and diluted fruit juices , herbal teas, carbonated beverages , broth and water. The third day, the patient is placed in a full liquid diet, which consists of - clear liquid sugar and low- fat dairy products. The plan also suggests gastric sleeve complete protein drinks powdered or after surgery.

The third week , the regime puree and emphasis will introduce protein-rich foods . This specific gastric sleeve diet should not add sugar or sugar and should be low in fat. If you really want to lose weight , keep in mind that you have to make some sacrifices. In this case, you should stop eating a lot because this is the reason why I gained weight in the first place .