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Menopause and Perimenopause Symptoms Are Magnified by Alcohol

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My wife started perimenopause at age 31 peri menopause symptoms. We are both very active social drinkers. She had never had any problems with getting too drunk before you know it , and had noticed nothing , but in good spirits . She was in control and knew when to stop peri menopause symptoms.

It probably started perimenopause at the age of 32 years peri menopause symptoms. It's fast and none of us had no experience with the process of menopause. She is 43 years old and now a long and difficult period .

peri menopause symptoms !!!

The symptoms of perimenopause and did not appear only became clear to her peri menopause symptoms. So I mean it was not a day and bam, hot flushes. All symptoms began to appear , but did not really know the gathering . I think that's what women look and feel like going "crazy." You know, I think it was more " guy who is in a bad mood today. " He began to happen more often , but do not realize that peri menopause symptoms. When the frequency becomes much so that I began to question what was happening . This leads to a small problem aside.

peri menopause symptoms I have a relative who was a raging alcoholic for 20 years. He and I were similar in many respects. We have often been compared to be similar. But I'm an optimist, optimistic personality. It is very dark. They joke and laugh a lot , but his humor is darker and meaner . His mockery is most cruel. This is something I knew,peri menopause symptoms but I saw it as something more than " we were just different. "

When he became an alcoholic to a full blown time about 30 years later ,peri menopause symptoms I wondered if it was just a matter of chemistry . Now, I do not think so. I took several rehabilitation periods . We consulted doctors and psychiatrists and what I learned is that often people not only become alcoholics. They are made. By this I mean that there is some unhappiness . The darkest evil personalities more . Maybe they start out as insecure , angry ,peri menopause symptoms jealous, pessimistic and depressed. The alcoholic begins to drink to hide the pain. This is a self-medication. Life does not hurt as bad when buzz. I had several professionals tell me what was going on with my report. But what surprised me is that many professionals believe peri menopause symptoms alcoholism need 15-20 years to become an alcoholic addiction blossomed. For many years , are in fact self medication .

peri menopause symptoms how to ?

Is it the same for women in menopause? I do not see how peri menopause symptoms. His whole body makeup is changing so radically inconsistent. Who can tell us what can happen here ? My wife and tolerance to alcohol began to change . Women of this type of emotional pain , of course , look for something to stop the flood of emotions , mood swings , hot flashes,peri menopause symptoms and sadness. A drink seems harmless .

peri menopause symptoms But what begins to happen in women is too fast, more dangerous. Where my wife could have social drinks all night and everything was normal and good. Two days later, she could shift and retract his words. She said things I could never have intended , so do not remember what it was what she had said peri menopause symptoms.

Over the months and years passed ,peri menopause symptoms another pattern emerged . She drinks drink when your period and then drink more slowly and cautious when it is not in a period . Red wine has been and is now taboo. It is very attractive to her , but it brings the worst episodes. Is not it strange ? A form of alcohol causes a different reaction from the other? But Red Wind is too hard for it. It has not only " hot flashes " in red wine peri menopause symptoms. He was " critical days " . This shows once again the importance of communication . I can observe and describe what happens to believe her.We red wine becomes more intense hot flashes. Please give us feedback if you read this and agree .

As I said, all this was moving slowly ,peri menopause symptoms but I am now convinced that given the changes and have seen the symptoms. But the two we lost. I guess I 'm guilty. I could see the changes . She was not aware of. The dark and melancholy feelings she have caused masking research or " self-medication ". Feeling of menopausal symptoms were very real to her and drink her look better. There may be nothing new happening in his life was , but he was sure there was. Now that we know that peri menopause symptoms. If we had both common sense would stop drinking. But we did not quit and probably will not . Now she can tell me when she meets a future period , and I limit consumption . Red wine is now available . This is so in the list.

A friend who has the same age as Andrea said. " I can not drink red wine makes me hate my husband. " I suspect she was in perimenopause stage . This is a very funny statement, but an even more serious. I will not moralize or preach against alcohol peri menopause symptoms. I will note that the man and woman in the relationship must both research, communicate and observe. Only by working together on a relationship postmenopausal women ( and they all will eventually be menopause ) can thrive.