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Is Gastric Plication the 'Sleeve' Killer?

With little clinical data to prove the hypothetical judgment gastric plication is more effective and safer than the gastric sleeve - as true, are not surgeons and obese patients get a little ahead of them in the choice of the application manga ? So much so that gastric plication is hailed as " sleeve murderer " inner circle of the world of bariatric surgery ?

" It is true that gastric plication is increasingly popular among surgeons and patients. Let me start by saying that there is no good answer to most questions about this operation because it does not have enough data yet to give an opinion educated , "says Dr. Rami . E. Lutfi , MD, assistant clinical professor of surgery at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

In fact , gastric plication is less invasive , and contrary to the gastric sleeve does not include removing a portion of the stomach. The stomach is "simple" is coupled in this manner, reversibly kink . This idea headless single cut any invagination of the patient to reduce the size of the stomach suggests that gastric plication , in fact, it is safer and easier than gastric sleeve . But is it ?

According to experts , the operation is not easy . Although very similar to the Gastric Sleeve surgery, application requires more skills . As for safety , there were complications such as dysphagia , choking, and heartburn , which are very similar to gastric sleeve. And in some rare cases, it has been reported "leaks" , one that is specifically associated with gastric sleeve phenomenon. Not to mention, the obstruction of the esophagus and retrograde intussusception of the gastric compartment syndrome or simply , increased gastric pressure. There is little research that explores the impact of hormonal changes and changes in gastric emptying.

Lynn B of Massachusetts , who underwent minimally invasive gastric band in 2005 , had gastric sleeve revised five years later. In his case, " minimally invasive " turned out to be " doubly invasive . "

Regarding the efficiency of the folding sleeve , the long-term data are not available to draw conclusions . The short-term results , however, seems encouraging with 50 % excess weight loss (EWL ) at one year and 60% at 2 and 3 years.

Gastric sleeve on the other hand , is much more effective in the fight against obesity because much of the portion of the stomach is removed and the frame, the part that produces the hunger hormone disappears. Gastric sleeve causes hormonal changes that are not visible in the folding , when the hormone that induces hunger normally occurs , and people are hungry all the time .

Then there is the risk of leakage , although rare, shows a strong positive correlation with the surgeon's experience in performing this type of surgery .

At this stage, and even shed a few conclusive research , it would be nothing more than a people's court to find the 'guilty' gastric plication for " murder" of the gastric sleeve .