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Tips on Reducing Pain From Erupting Wisdom Teeth

Have the pain of a wisdom tooth ? Obviously, you should go to your dentist, but what can you do in the meantime , which could help relieve the discomfort ? The following tips can help relieve symptoms:

A . Rinse mouth. Using a mouthwash several times a day can really help. Use a rinsing with salt water or simple property mouthwash such as chlorhexidine. Always rinse for at least 30 seconds to rinse mouthwash of the sensitive area . Make a couple of times a day while symptoms persist. This allows rinse clean under the gum area where harmful bacteria . Chlorhexidine mouthwash also comes in gel form . This can be very useful because the gel can be obtained by cleaning below the gum - painful flap. The gel remains active area disinfecting this area for some time .

Two . Analgesics and anti- inflammatory ( such as paracetamol , aspirin ) can be used to relieve pain . A number of over-the -counter analgesics are useful for the pain of wisdom teeth. Included in this group are: ibuprofen , aspirin , acetaminophen and paracetamol with codeine. Ibuprofen is a good choice for many because it is both to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Very important , just take any medication if you know it is safe to do so. For example , ibuprofen is not appropriate when you have a stomach ulcer and / or asthma . Similarly , aspirin is not suitable for those who have any kind of bleeding disorders . When in doubt , be sure to get information from the doctor or the dentist, or even your pharmacist where you can take analgesics. You should always keep the recommended dose of this medication. Never put aspirin resting on the gum next to the wisdom teeth. It will not provide any pain relief , and probably irritate the gum area , such as aspirin is really acid.

Three . In cases of extreme pain / inflammation : Applying hot or cold compresses on the painful side may give some respite . Use an ice pack or a hot water bottle held by the cheek of the affected side.

If you experience any of these problems, talk to your dentist as soon as possible : first, the discomfort persists for more than a few days to be extreme. Second, when severe symptoms occur, such as the lymph nodes under the chin, swelling of the face area or muscle spasms in the jaw jaw group , high temperature , and the disease in general.

How your dentist will help you. First, the dentist will probably clean under the gum flap . He / she may prescribe some type of antibiotic if you have a deep infection. Your dentist may also soften the advice of the upper wisdom tooth or could even extract the tooth. This function is useful when the upper tooth is digging in the field of soft tires when closed. Upper wisdom teeth are usually easier to achieve compared to lower wisdom teeth . Treatment of upper wisdom tooth can give fast relief in some cases. It may even be sufficient to prevent further problems .

Your dentist will take a look at the wisdom tooth and may need to take X-rays . These X-rays provide an improved view of the way in which the lie of wisdom teeth , if they seem to be affected and how you can move forward in the long term. In the case of serious problems, such as severe swelling , your dentist may refer to a hospital.

In conclusion, there are several things you can do if you have wisdom tooth pain. These tips can help in the short term while waiting to see your dentist.