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Risks, Complications and Side Effects of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

There are many methods of non- surgical weight loss such as controlled calorie diet , frequent burn fat, weight loss pills , etc. But what if a person does not even meet the strict dietary guidelines and exercise regime year. The answer is weight loss surgery .

Patients with morbid obesity do not respond to traditional methods of weight loss surgery and weight loss can be a life changing decision for them.

It is estimated that 32.2 percent of men and 35.5 percent of women in the U.S. suffer from obesity. According to the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA) , Americans spend about $ 40 billion a year on all types of foods weight loss products and programs.

A variety of weight loss surgery , including gastric bypass , gastric banding , gastric sleeve and gastric application, are increasing in popularity among morbidly obese patients who have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight through non methods - Surgical .

Sleeve Gastrectomy
Gastric sleeve surgery is one of the latest weight loss procedures in the world of bariatric surgery. Technically known as sleeve gastrectomy , this relatively new surgery has gained popularity and has gained acceptance in recent years .

This surgery is known by many alternative names such as vertical sleeve gastrectomy , parietal gastrectomy and vertical gastroplasty .

Laparoscopic techniques ( minimally invasive ) and technology have made this surgery weight loss in a safe and effective bariatric operation , while reducing some of the risks associated with all forms of bariatric procedures .

The procedure works mainly by restriction and is generally safe for dangerously obese and / or do not want a foreign body implanted in the stomach , as seen with the gastric band surgery .

surgical Preview
During the Gastric Sleeve surgery, around 70-80% of the stomach is permanently removed , leaving a kind of "manga" or "tube" that the remaining usable portion contains much less food than before banana . None of his intestines was hijacked during the procedure.

Today this is made by laparoscopic surgery , meaning that the surgeon bariatric make several small incisions in the abdomen instead of large . Through these incisions , the surgeon inserts a viewing tube with a small camera and other small instruments to remove a large portion of the stomach .

side Effects
Although it is the least complex type of bariatric surgery at low risk of complications , but it is possible that you have possible risks, side effects and complications after surgery.

The acid reflux , vomiting , diarrhea, and constipation syndrome discharge are some unpleasant complications , but common , which can be observed in patients after surgery gastric sleeve . Other possible side effects of surgery are nausea and abdominal cramps.

These problems are usually short-lived and usually resolve as soon as you become acclimated to the new anatomy of the stomach. These complications , including dumping syndrome can be avoided by strictly following the recommendations of your doctor .

Some serious surgical complications may include:
Stomach stretching can lead to leaks in place of staples
The risk of leakage through the small openings in the actuated member
Internal bleeding may occur in sections of the stomach pouch
Severe wound infection
organ injury
intestinal obstruction
Deep vein thrombosis (blood clot in a deep vein )
respiratory problems

If you are considering this type of surgery, it is important to understand the potential risks associated with the surgery before deciding to have complications . To really understand all the possible complications and side effects that can arise surgery should discuss in detail with an experienced bariatric surgeon to determine their suitability for this type of weight loss surgery . As a qualified weight loss surgeon and experienced doctors can really form an opinion on their level of risk , and provide information on the rates of complications and mortality associated with this surgery.

If you are considering bariatric surgery , but you do not have enough funds , Gastric Sleeve in Puerto Vallarta, a resort in Mexico, could be a cost effective solution. Cost of Sleeve Gastrectomy in Las Vegas is an affordable option specifically for Americans who want to gt the surgery done right on American soil.